The Deal with Diet & Nutrition
Did you know “diet” and “nutrition” are two different things?
- Diet refers to the food we eat
- Nutrition means properly absorbing food to stay healthy
IBD can affect the amount of nutrients your digestive system absorbs, so it’s important to ensure you are getting the essentials.
There’s no evidence to suggest that certain foods or diet causes, manages or prevents IBD. However, a well-balanced diet with an adequate intake of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals is necessary for proper nutrition.
It is important that you don’t exclude food groups from your diet without first talking to your doctor or a registered dietitian. IBD is different in every patient, and there is no specific diet that will work the same way for everyone. Talking to a dietitian is the best way to determine strategies that are best suited for you and your health needs.
Sports and Fitness
Stay active, do the things you love and take part in the sports you enjoy – or try something new! There may be days when IBD symptoms like fatigue or pain, prevent you from engaging in physical activity – and this perfectly OK! If this occurs, don’t push yourself!
Mild to moderate exercise can help reduce IBD symptoms, decrease stress, and improve bone density – so talk to your doctor about an exercise routine that would work best for you!
Rest Up!
It’s important to ensure you are getting the rest and sleep you need. There are a number of studies that show a lack of sleep can increase inflammation, as well as your mood and mental health.
TIPS for Catching Zzzz’s
Reading a magazine or listening to music in bed can be a great way to wind down from a long day. It’s good to be mindful of screen time before bed. If you choose to watch your favourite TV show, or scroll through Instagram at nighttime, try cutting off screen time 1 hour before bed. These distractions can stimulate your brain and keep you up, which might stand in the way of you get those much needed 8-10 hours of sleep at night!
Looking for more to digest? We’ve got it! Check out:
Read our latest edition of our magazine, You, Me and IBD.
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